Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I know, I know...

I know I need to post pictures. I really want to post pictures. Really, I do. Here's the long, complicated story why I'm not as yet. Back in December, Mark and I had a birthday party for the 2 of us at our house. Well Mark was playing 'DJ' and had my laptop sitting on a stereo speaker by our front door. Well, he opened the front door without realizing that the CD drive was open. The door hit the CD drive, and now it won't open - it just makes this terrible clickyclickyclickyclickyclickyclicky noise. Well, that wouldn't be a big deal except right before that party, I reinstalled Windows on my computer. SO...I now can't reinstall the software for my digital camera on my computer. I also cant play CDs, reinstall the software for my MP3 player, burn CDs, play movies, and probably about 20 other things I can't do that escape me right this minute. It bites. I'm waiting for Mark to fix it, but I have to wait for it to make it to the top of his to-do list. Sorry Y'all!! Hopefully soon....


Jessica said...

Siddy Atty clickyclicky

Jessica said...

I put pictures on my blog. Hope that's okay. You know I can't resist that sort of thing. Besides, I hadn't even announced it yet because I had been waiting for you to make the rounds and tell everyone, and then I just didn't think about posting your news. I linked your blog on mine, so if folks you don't know show up, don't be scared. They're nice peoples.